Epilobium L.
Fls us. solitary, regular, 4-merous; perig. with very short calyx-tube; petals us. 2-lobed; stamens 8, in 2 series; ovary 4-celled, ovules ∞; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Fr. a long narrow capsule with loculicidal dehiscence; seeds mostly papillose, with a chalazal brush of hairs (coma). Herbs or subshrubs with at least lower lvs opp. Some 200 spp., mainly of temperate regions.
Haussknecht's work (Mon. Gatt. Epilobium, Jena 1884) remains the most important treatment of the genus, but there is need for an intensive restudy of the N.Z. spp. Of the 50 spp. here recognized as indigenous to N.Z. the following (all SIMILES) occur or are represented by very closely allied spp. in Australia and Tasmania: billardierianum, hirtigerum, pallidiflorum, pubens. Whether any of our plants hitherto referred to E. tasmanicum Hauss. are conspecific with the Tasmanian plant remains uncertain.
Haussknecht (Mon. Gatt. Epilob. 1884) recognizes two main groups for the N.Z. spp. (all placed in his section LYSIMACHION): LEIOSPERMAE -seeds with quite glab. testa; ADENOSPERMAE -seeds with minutely to conspicuously papillose testa. I find it impossible to make a clear-cut distinction on this basis; much depends on the magnification used. His further grouping is as follows:
Plants tall, erect, ± woody at base, herbaceous above; fls ∞, in axils of upper lvs; lvs rather large: billardierianum, chionanthum, hirtigerum, pallidiflorum.
Plants mostly low-growing, herbaceous; stems creeping below, erect or ascending above; fls few, in axils of upper lvs; lvs small: (a) capsules with short peduncles- confertifolium, tasmanicum, thymifolium; (b) capsules with elongate peduncles when mature- alsinoides, chloraefolium, hectori, insulare, rotundifolium, tenuipes.
Plants herbaceous (± woody in purpuratum) creeping, rooting at nodes; fls in axils of intermediate lvs; capsules with elongate peduncles; lvs mostly small: caespitosum, linnaeoides, nummularifolium, pedunculare, purpuratum.
Plants suffruticulose, mostly rather small; fls us. few, in uppermost axils; lvs ± rigid and coriac.: (a) capsules with elongate peduncles- crassum, macropus; (b) capsules with short peduncles- brevipes, erubescens, glabellum, krulleanum, melanocaulon, microphyllum, novaezelandiae, polyclonum, pycnostachyum.
Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 600) places E. macropus in SPARSIFLORAE.