Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum L.
Perennial with creeping, almost woody, rhizomatous stems from which arise prostrate vegetative shoots and erect flowering shoots; flowering shoots densely hairy, not branched, to c. 40 cm high. Lvs sessile, to c. 8 × 1-3 cm, linear-lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, clothed in ± appressed hairs on both surfaces; apex acute or almost acuminate. Cymes short, < large leafy bracts. Calyx divided to base, 6-10 mm long; lobes linear, densely hairy. Corolla c. 1-1.75 cm long; limb 1-1.5 cm diam., purplish or bright blue; lobes clothed in appressed hairs outside, obtuse. Stamens inserted in upper 1/2 of tube. Nutlets c. 4 × 3 mm, ovoid, shining, smooth, white.
N.: one collection only, Napier; S.: one collection only, Ashburton.
Europe, W. Asia 1958
A garden escape forming vigorous roadside colonies over small areas at both sites.
FL Sep-Dec.
The sp. is potentially a troublesome weed because of the invasive rhizomatous system. It is often known in Europe as Buglossoides purpurocaerulea (L.) I. M. Johnston.