Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Ranunculus sericophyllus var. simpsonii G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson

Var. simpsonii (Ckn. et Allan) Simpson in T.R.S.N.Z. 72, 1942, 22.

R. simpsonii Cockayne et Allan in T.N.Z.I. 57, 1926, 58.

Simpson considers that "The glabrous upper surfaces of the leaves and their few and broader segments are the only characters separating the variety from the type". Cockayne and Allan based their sp. on plants from Bold Peak, near Lake Wakatipu, giving the differentiating characters as: "Herba R. sericophyllii Hook. f. affinis, foliis glabris, sub-carnosis, bracteis sub-foliaceis, achaeniis minute pubescentibus, stylis gracilioribus differt". It appears to have the range of the sp. and linking forms are not uncommon. The type specimens had fruiting heads ± 1 cm. diam.; achenes ± 2 mm. long, slightly turgid, minutely pubescent, weakly keeled; styles ± 2 mm. long, slender, very slightly curved. Type locality: Bold Peak, c. 1800 m. Type: lost.

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