Corynocarpus laevigatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Type locality: Queen Charlotte Sound. Type: P ?
Canopy tree up to ± 15 m. tall; trunk up to ± 6 dm. diam.; branches stout. Lvs on stout petioles c. 10-15 mm. long; lamina thick, coriac., elliptic- to obovate-oblong, (5)-10-15-(20) × (3)-5-7 cm., dark green, glossy; margins recurved. Fls 4-5 mm. diam., in stout stiff panicles up to c. 2 dm. long; peduncles and pedicels short. Sepals suborbicular; petals greenish yellow, ± 5 mm. long, minutely crenately toothed; obovate-spathulate; staminodes spathulate, minutely toothed; style c. 2 mm. long, thick; stigma capitate. Drupe 2.5-4 cm. long, ellipsoid to ovoid, orange; seed with distinct testa-veins; cots plano-convex, fleshy.
DIST.: K., N., S., Ch. Coastal and lowland forest to about lat. 44°.
FL. 8-11. FT. 1-4.