Hydrocotyle pterocarpa F.Muell.
Patches up to c.4 dm. diam.; plant glab. or nearly so. Lvs on very slender petioles ± 5-10 cm. long; lamina ± 10-20 × 15-25 mm., shallowly obscurely to distinctly 3-7-lobed; basal sinus narrow to rather open; lobes crenulate. Umbels (3)-5-10-fld on slender peduncles (5)-10-(25) mm. long (infl. rarely compound, of 2-3 umbellules). Fls subsessile, forming heads c. 5 mm. diam. Frs flattened, notched at base and apex, c.2 x 3mm., light brown; mericarps broadly winged on dorsal margin.
Dist.: N., S. Lowland wet ground and swamp margins throughout, but local.
FL.11-2. FT. 12-3. Also in Tasmania and Australia.