Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hebe stricta var. lata L.B.Moore

Var. lata L. B. Moore var. nov. 

Type locality: Kaweka Range, west of Kuripapango Hill, c. 1300 m. altitude. Type: BD 76144, A. P. Druce.

Compact broad low-growing shrub us. < 1 m. tall, characteristically wider than high. Branchlets stout with short internodes. Lvs c. 5 × 1·5 cm., elliptic, firm-textured and glossy. Infls us. much > lvs. Bracts and calyx-lobes ciliolate only. Capsule glab., ± erect.

DIST.: Raukumara, Kaweka and Kaimanawa Ranges. Tall-tussock grassland, 1000-1500 m. altitude.

A rupestral plant of high tussock-grassland, characterized by short broadly elliptic lvs and broad compact habit which are retained in cultivation. Apparently distinct from plants of scrub near bushline which, as in Tararua Range, are connected by intermediates with lowland forms.

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