Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm.
Lichen pyxidatus L., Sp. Pl.: 1151 (1753).
Primary squamules, persistent, contiguous or dispersed, rarely disappearing, small to medium 2-7(-15) × 4 mm, irregularly lobed or incised, apices rounded, margins crenate or sinuate, ± thick, ascending or appressed, upper surface glaucescent to pale olive-green or brownish, lower surface white, darkening at base, esorediate. Podetia growing from upper surface of primary squamules, 4-10(-60) mm tall, simple or with short, marginal proliferations bearing apothecia, cups flaring gradually from base, turbinate, deep, interior closed and decorticate in part, with small, peltate, glaucous squamules or corticate granules covering interior as well as outer surface, slate grey to olive-green or brownish, cups ± regular, rarely proliferating from margins. Apothecia rather rare, small to rather large, at margins of cups, sessile or shortly stalked, brown or red-brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric acid and atranorin.
N: Poor Knights Is, southwards. S: Throughout. St: On open ground on banks, thin soils overlying rocks, peat soils and Leptospermum heaths.
C. pyxidata may be confused with C. chlorophaea but is distinguished by having true corticate granules which are primary in nature being found even in immature cups, the cups are more regular and flare very gradually from the base, becoming almost turbinate. C. fimbriata is distinguished from C. pyxidata, in having wineglass-shaped podetia, and farinose soredia.