Cladonia campbelliana (Vain.) Gyeln.
C. gracilis [var.] γ chordalis [subvar.] *campbelliana Vainio, Acta Soc. Faun. Fl. fenn. 10: 113 (1894).
Lectotype [fide Ahti Annls bot. fenn. 3: 238 (1980)]: New Zealand. Campbell I. Filhol, 1874, TUR-V 17645!
Primary squamules evanescent. Podetia dying at base, proliferating from apices, 20-60 mm tall and 0.5-1.5 mm diam., irregularly branched, branching monopodial or subdichotomous-radiating, with or without cups, cups shallow 1.2-6.0 mm diam., abruptly flaring, usually oblique and irregular, margins denticulate, sterile podetia tapering or blunt. Cortex ± coarsely granular, not sorediate, in parts areolate or becoming decorticate and opaque, with numerous tiny squamules, whitish-glaucescent or olivaceous-brownish. Apothecia small, at apices of podetia, 1-5 per podetium, pedicellate, brown. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric acids.
C: A grassland species from exposed, subalpine habits. Possibly present at higher elevations in subalpine localities on Stewart I., and in the mountains of South I.
C. campbelliana is distinct from both C. gracilis and C. scabriuscula and is probably closely related to C. anomaea and C. ochrochlora [Ahti loc. cit., (1980)].