Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Cladonia bellidiflora (Ach.) Schaer.

C. bellidiflora (Ach.) Schaerer, Lich. helv. spic.: 21 (1823).

Lichen bellidiflorus Ach., Lich. suec. Prod.: 194 (1798).

Primary squamules disappearing, 2-5 mm long, crenate or laciniate, ascending to erect, flat or involute, sparse to abundant, upper surface yellowish or pale glaucescent, lower surface white, brown to black at base. Podetia 1-4(-5) cm tall, dying at base, yellow-green, yellow-grey or pale grey, ± densely peeling-squamulose especially towards base, becoming corticate-granular or ± decorticate and paler towards apices with translucent white or pale yellow areas, esorediate. Podetia subulate, or with narrow or often irregular cups. Apothecia red, rare, on cup margins or proliferations. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC+ yellow, Pd-. Squamatic and ± usnic acids.

S: Nelson (Red Hill, Richmond Range). Fiordland, Borland Saddle. In tussock grassland on dead base of Chionochloa teretifolia, 1100 m.


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