Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Passiflora L.


Herbaceous or ± woody climbers with branch-opposed tendrils. Petioles usually with several prominent glands. Fls usually ⚥; bracts often large and in whorls of 3, rarely 0. Receptacle forming a saucer-shaped to cylindric hypanthium, occasionally hypanthium 0. Sepals (1)-5, free or united towards base, often petaloid. Petals usually (4)-5, rarely 0; corona variously developed. Stamens 5, united into a tube around the gynophore; anthers versatile. Ovary usually with 3 parietal placentas; styles usually 3. Fr. a many-seeded berry.


Hypanthium cylindric and strongly elongated
Hypanthium 0 or saucer-shaped and inconspicuous
Stipules pinnate with filiform segments; fr. ± globose
Stipules simple, ovate and toothed or subulate and entire; fr. ellipsoid
Stipules with very narrow-linear rachis; stamens normally developed
Stipules with lanceolate rachis; stamens abnormal and ± petaloid
Stipules subulate; pedicels c. 14-40 cm long, filiform; perianth ± bright crimson inside
Stipules ovate to subreniform, sometimes with a subulate tip; pedicels 2-7 cm long, rather stout; perianth pink or rose inside
Stipules 5-10 mm wide; hypanthium 8-9.5 cm long; perianth 2-3.8 cm long
Stipules 2-4 mm wide; hypanthium 6-8 cm long; perianth 4-6.5 cm long
Lvs entire, coriaceous; perianth < 2 cm diam. when fresh
Lvs lobed, membranous or submembranous; perianth > 4 cm diam. when fresh
Lvs dull above; bracts entire; fr. yellow when ripe, < 5 cm diam.
Lvs shining above; bracts serrate; fr. dull or dark purple when ripe, > 5 cm diam.

c. 400 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical America, a few in Australasia, tropical Pacific and tropical Asia. Native sp. 1, naturalised 6 and 1 hybrid.

The Passiflora spp. in N.Z. can be placed in 3 groups. The most distinct comprises the indigenous P. tetrandra, as indicated in the notes for that sp. In the second group the hypanthium is cylindric (Tacsonia group), and in the third it is saucer-shaped or completely lacking (Passiflora sens. strict. group).

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