Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Gratiola L.


Fls axillary, solitary, subtended by 2 bractlets, calyx deeply cut into 5 subequal lobes. Corolla-tube cylindric, upper lip entire or 2-fid, lower 3-fid. Stamens 2; staminodes 2, filiform, or lacking. Style filiform, stigma entire or 2-lamellate. Capsule ± ovoid, 4-valved, dehiscent from columnar axis. Seeds ∞, small, reticulate. Widespread genus of mostly perennial small glab. to glandular-pubescent herbs with opp., sessile, simple, entire or toothed lvs. Some 30 spp., the N.Z. spp. occurring also in Australia and Tasmania.


Plant erect or spreading, ± glab.; lvs ± 6-20 mm. long
Plant procumbent, ± glandular-hairy; lvs ± 4-6 mm. long
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