Pygmea Hook.f.
Fls solitary, each subtended by a pair of connate bracts, sessile or sub-sessile in lf-axils near tips of branches. Calyx 5-(6)-lobed. Corolla small, salverform, shortly lobed, or larger, broadly funnelform and deeply lobed; lobes 5-(6). Stamens 2, inserted near throat of corolla, filaments, short, anthers large. Capsule with septum across narrowest diam., deeply 2-lobed, laterally compressed and broadest at tip, turgid below, flattened on anterior and posterior faces, splitting loculicidally and septicidally into 4 valves, included in calyx. Seeds us. many, not strongly flattened. Small densely pulvinate perennial herbs or prostrate rooting shrubs; lvs opp., sessile, shortly connate at base, closely quadrifariously or irregularly imbricate, entire, ± ciliate or hairy. Genus of a few spp. endemic to N.Z. Type sp. (selected by W. R. B. Oliver in Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 1, 1944, 231): P. ciliolata Hook. f.
The generic description has been enlarged to include, besides the spp. us. placed here, Veronica dasyphylla Kirk (Logania tetragona Hook. f.) and V. uniflora Kirk (L. armstrongii Buchan.) which are excluded from Hebe and Parahebe by the regularly 5-lobed calyx and corolla. The infl., capsule, and in large part the vegetative characters of these two spp. agree very well with Pygmea, but the corolla is differently shaped and much larger, resembling those of Parahebe trifida and P. birleyi.
The cushion-forming spp. with their small salverform fls and hairy lvs are superficially easily confused with Myosotis spp. of similar habit, in particular P. myosotoides resembling M. pulvinaris and P. pulvinaris resembling M. uniflora. Because of their small size and thickness un-mounted specimens readily slide from their folders, and many herbarium collections have become unreliable as records because of the probability of accidental mixing. The exact limits of distribution of several of the spp. are therefore not certainly known. FL. 11-1. FT. 12-2.