Var. petriei.
Type locality: Mt. Bonpland, 5000 ft. Type: OM, in Herb. Buchanan, Petrie 1881; isotypes are W 5118, W 5119 and A 8283.
Lf-bases shortly connate. Bracts 5-7 × 1-1·5 mm., narrow-oblong, us. many without fls at infl.-base. Calyx-lobes 3·5-5 mm. long, narrow, ± acute, us. uneven in size and with ± well-developed fifth lobe. Corolla 4·5-8 mm. long, lobes c. = tube, narrow-elliptic. Capsule 4-5 × 2 mm., narrow-pointed.
DIST.: S. Mountains near Lake Wakatipu. Loose rocky debris.
FL. 11-2.