Hebe petriei (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
Mitrasacme petriei Buchan. in T.N.Z.I. 14, 1882, 349, t. 30, f. 1.
Veronica petriei (Buchan.) Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 517.
Much branched semi-erect or decumbent woody shrub, stems to 50 cm. long. Branchlets glab. to minutely bifariously pubescent, internodes almost hidden by lvs, length 1-2 × diam. Lvs ± spreading, 6-10 × 2-5 mm., obovate-spathulate, subcoriac., slightly narrowed above the broad ± connate base; lamina obtuse, entire, not bordered or strongly keeled, glab. except for minute marginal pubescence near base. Infl. terminal, simple, forming a compact cylindrical spike to 5 × 1·5 cm. Bracts not opp., lflike in texture, oblong, entire, ciliolate, lowest sts without fls occ. to length of 3 cm. up axis; pedicels very short, sts visible in fr. Calyx-lobes like bracts. Corolla white, tube rarely > calyx. Capsule erect, glab.