Helichrysum coralloides (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
Erect, spreading or ascending, much-branched shrub, up to 60 cm tall; branchlets obscured by persistent, imbricate, appressed lvs and tomentum, (4)-5-10 mm diam. (including lvs). Lvs glabrous on lower, outer surface, densely white-tomentose on upper, inner surface, apetiolate, oblong-spathulate, involute, obtuse and cucullate, (4)-5-6 × 2-3 mm. Lvs of seedlings and reversion shoots spreading, densely tomentose on both surfaces. Capitula 6-10 mm diam., solitary, sessile. Middle involucral bracts glabrous, oblong, obtuse to acute, not or slightly radiating, membranous, with pale and transparent lamina, and longer stereome, tinged brown or yellow and opaque, 4-6 mm long. Disc bright yellow. Achenes with short appressed hairs, cylindric, slightly angled or compressed, 1-1.5 mm long.
S.: montane to alpine from 42° to 42° 30'.
Rocky places, screes and banks.
In parts of Marlborough, narrower forms included here within H. coralloides appear similar to H. intermedium - the 2 spp. also hybridise where they occur together in this area.