Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Porina cerina (Zahlbr.) R.Sant.

P. cerina (Zahlbr.) R. Sant., Symb. bot. upsal. 12: 248 (1952).

Phylloporina cerina Zahlbr., T.N.Z.I. 59: 310 (1928).

Holotype (fide Zahlbruckner loc. cit.): New Zealand. Wellington. Kitchener Park, Feilding. On Metrosideros. H.H. Allan, W.

Thallus 5-10(-15) mm diam., formed of round, monocarpic patches, confluent centrally, smooth, pale green, slightly shining, prothallus absent. Perithecia 0.2-0.3 mm diam., pale yellow-green, basal part spreading, very, pale yellow-green, smooth, central part lens-shaped. Paraphyses simple, 1 µm thick. Asci obclavate, 40-55 × 10-12 µm, 8-spored. Ascospores 3-septate, oblong to fusiform with rather obtuse ends, 16-22 × 3-4.5 µm.

N: Wellington lat. 40° southwards to Cook Strait. On leaves of Alectryon excelsum, Beilschmiedia tawa, Dryopteris pennigra, Olea cunninghamii, Metrosideros colensoi and Podocarpus spicatus.


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