Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Porina spilophaena Kremp.

P. spilophaena Krempelh., Verhandl. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 26: 440 (1876).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight 62, M 123-80/3!

Thallus dull olivaceous to grey-green or fawnish, shining or matt, irregularly wrinkled-uneven or verrucose, following contours of bark, in parts irregular to ± areolate-cracked. Perithecia semi-immersed, ± hemispherical, 0.1-0.8 mm diam., pale brownish to red-brown, with a central, minute, black ostiole. Involucrellum red-brown, to olivaceous, 60-70 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, fine, capillary. Asci cylindrical-clavate, 2-4-spored. Ascospores broadly fusiform-ellipsoid, (3-)5-7-septate, 91-95 × 18-22 µm.

N: Known only from the type collection.


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