Porina atrocoerulea Müll.Arg.
Thallus irregular in outline, to 15 mm diam., continuous or partly dispersed, smooth, grey with a brownish or greenish tinge, matt, prothallus indistinct. Perithecia black, dark greyish or greyish at margins, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., globose, around ostiole a ± large black area. Paraphyses simple, 1 µm thick. Asci clavate, 50-65 × 8-12 µm. Ascospores 8 per ascus, 7-septate, fusiform, 18-32 × 3.5-5 µm.
N: Wellington, Kitchener Park, Feilding. On leaves of Podocarpus spicatus. Collected once in 1926 by G. Einar and Greta Du Rietz.