Dracophyllum matthewsii (Carse) Carse
D. latifolium var. matthewsii Carse in T.N.Z.I. 48, 1916, 238.
D. latifolium Cheesem. Ill. N.Z. Fl. 2, 1914, t. 129 non A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 48.
Original localities: "Dry ridges in hilly forests", Mangonui County. Type: CM, Taumatamahoe, near Kaitaia, H. B. Matthews, October 2, 1913.
Slender shrub or tree up to c. 5 m. tall; branches not verticillate, branchlets very slender. Lvs with sheaths ± 3 × 1·5 cm., gradually narrowed into rather thin lamina (10)-20-30 cm. × 10-25 mm., slightly widening near base then tapering to acute apex; margins smooth or nearly so. Panicle terminal, rather slender, drooping, ± 10-30 cm. long, branching at an acute to subacute angle; branches up to c. 5 cm. long, again branched. Bracts c. 2-3 mm. long, ovate, pubescent. Fls on pubescent pedicels c. 1·5 mm. long. Sepals yellowish green, c. 1 mm. long, ovate, pubescent. Corolla-tube c. 2 mm. long; lobes oblong, obtuse, c. 3 mm. long, purplish red to almost black. Anthers exserted; style slender, c. 2.5 mm. long. Capsule depressed-globose, c. 2-3 mm. diam.
DIST.: N. From c. lat. 35º to 37º, also on Great and Little Barrier Is.
FL. 9-10.