Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Dracophyllum scoparium Hook.f.

D. scoparium Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 46, t. 33 (capsule excepted).

D. urvilleanum var. scoparium Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1867, 736.

D. subantarcticum Ckn. Veg. N.Z. 1921, 265 (nomennudum).

Type locality: Campbell Id. Type: K. J. D. Hooker, Dec. 1840, 1611.

Erect, up to c. 2 m. tall, branches stout, strict, with dark chestnut-brown to nearly black bark; branchlets strict, crowded. Lvs rather rigid, close-set, crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath cililate, thin-margined, (10)-12-(15) × (3)-4-7 mm., passing by subtruncate shoulder into lamina (3)-6-8 cm. × (1)-2-(3) mm., tomentose above, glab. below, gradually tapering to subpungent apex; margins densely clad in silky hairs, very minutely serrulate. Infl. of 3-6-fld racemes ± 3 cm. long, or fls solitary. Bracts broad-ovate with subulate tips and white ciliolate margins, pubescent above near tips. Fls shortly peduncled, inconspicuous; sepals pubescent near tips, ovate, ± = corolla-tube which is 3-4-(5) mm. long. Corolla-lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse. Capsule obovoid.

DIST.: C. Shrubland, moor.

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