Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Dracophyllum urvilleanum A.Rich.

D. urvilleanum A. Rich. Essai Fl. N.Z. 1832, 221.

Type locality: "Crescit in rupibus Novae Zeelandiae, loco dicto, baie Tasman".Type: D'Urville, Caen? At K are two lvs and one fr. said to be from type. There is also photograph of specimen from Herb. Richard.

Erect branching shrub ± 1 m. or more tall, bark blackish; branchlets slender, glab., reddish brown. Lvs glab., rigid, subcanaliculate, crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath c. 6-8 mm. long, abruptly narrowed to lamina; margins thin, ciliolate. Lamina linear, acute, 70-75 × 1-1·5 mm.; margins minutely serrulate. Infl. of 2-3-fld subspicate racemes near apex of branchlets, rarely fls solitary. Bracts deciduous, ciliolate; sheath suddenly narrowed to very acute apex. Sepals linear-oblong, ciliolate, acute, persistent, ± = corolla-tube. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long; lobes ovate, ± acuminate, patent; anthers sessile, inserted on throat. Capsule depressed-ovoid, seeds ∞.

DIST.: S. Western shores of Tasman Bay eastwards to Mount Stokes and Pelorus Valley.

Oliver (loc. cit. 1929, 695) says "Juvenile leaves larger and thinner, sheath 8, lamina 120 mm., width 3 mm."

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