Rubus cissoides A.Cunn.
R. australis var. cissoides (A. Cunn.) Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 53.
R. australis auct. non Forst. f.
R. australis var. glaber Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 126 non Hook. f. loc. cit. 53.
Type locality: "Dense forests at Wangaroa". Type: K, A. Cunningham, 1826.
Liane up to 15 m. or more tall, with very stout main stems up to 1 dm. or more diam., much-branched; branches us. unarmed, branchlets with stout recurved reddish prickles. Lvs quinate, occ. ternate, aculeate-serrate, coriac., glab., fine veins us. distinct, petioles and petiolules us. armed with recurved prickles, stipules narrow-linear; lamina polymorphic: (a) narrow linear-lanceolate, acuminate, submembr., 7-15 cm. × 3-10 mm., truncate to shallowly cordate at base (not seen flowering in this form); (b) ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, rarely obtuse, coriac., 6-15 × 2-3 cm., subcordate at base; (c) broadly ovate-oblong to oblong, acute to acuminate, or occ. obtuse, 6-15 × 3-6 cm., truncate to oblique at base. Forms intermediate between (b) and (c) are common. Fls unisexual, in us. large much-branched panicles up to 6 dm. long; branchlets and pedicels glandular-pubescent; sepals pubescent, pale-margined, ovate-oblong, obtuse, 3-5 mm. long; petals 5, white, 5-8 mm. long, ovate to oblong or obovate; stamens ∞; frs 5-10 mm. long, drupelets ∞, flesh orange-red.
DIST.: Three Kings, N., S., St. Lowland to montane forest.
FL. 9-11. FT. 11-4.