Rubus parvus Buchanan
Type locality: Lake Brunner, Hector, 1873.
Low-growing dioec. shrub with creeping main stem up to 1 m. long, rooting at nodes, unarmed when mature, bark reddish; sts semi-lianoid. Lvs 1-foliolate, coriac., dark to bronze-green above, paler below, linear to linear-oblong or narrow-lanceolate, acute, shallowly cordate at base, spinulose-dentate on margins; midrib sparingly prickly; lamina 2.5-9 cm. × 5-20 mm., with petiole c. 2 cm. long, stipules narrow-linear. Fls solitary and lf-opposed or in small, few-fld panicles; sepals ovate-long-acuminate, c. 5-8 mm. long, pubescent; petals 5, white, ovate to broad-ovate, obtuse, c. 1 cm. or less long. ♂ with ∞ stamens; ♀ with ∞ carpels; fr. c. 1-2.5 cm. long, of ∞ aggregated drupelets, flesh red.
DIST.: S. West of divide in lowland forest and on river flats from lat. 41° to 44°.
FL. 9-12. FT. 11-4.