Rubus australis G.Forst.
R. australis var. glaber Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 53.
R. schmidelioides auct. non A. Cunn.
Juvenile plants creeping over forest floor, rooting at intervals; branchlets slender, pubescent, us. with ∞ slender prickles; lvs ternate to quinate; lflts thin, glabrate, ovate to ovate-oblong, acute to obtuse, acutely serrate; lamina c. 1-3 × 1-2 cm., with petiolule up to 5 cm. long, finer veins distinct. Adult plants dioec. lianes with stout main stems, up to 10 m. or more long; lvs ternate to quinate; lflts elliptic to ovate or suborbicular, coriac., glab. except on main veins, acute to obtuse, rounded to oblique at base; lamina 3-5 × 1-3·5 cm., with petiole 2-5 cm. long, finer venation distinct to indistinct. Fls distant on pedicels c. 1 cm. long, in panicles or occ. racemes up to 2 dm. long. Sepals 2-4 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, pubescent; petals 5, white, broad-ovate, c. 3-6 mm. long; frs c. 9 mm. diam., of ∞ drupelets, flesh yellowish, achenes c. 3-4 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane forest.
FL. 9-11. FT. 10-2.