Var. stricta
Branches ∞; plant forming clumps up to c. 2 m. diam. Cockayne's description is: "The leaves are narrower and more rigid than those of the type, extremely silvery on the upper surface, the margins strongly recurved, and the lamina gradually tapers above in a long acute apex and below into the comparatively narrow petiole. The silvery pellicle of the upper leaf-surface of C. coriacea decreases considerably in plants grown under lowland garden conditions, but, so far as plants in cultivation with me go, those of this variety still remain much more silvery than those from the Hanmer mountains, both being planted at about the same time. The typical form of C. coriacea is present in the wetter mountains to the west of the Takitimus".
DIST.: S. Takitimu Mountains. "Forming at and above 900 m. altitude continuous silvery masses on the hill-sides."