Celmisia cordatifolia var. similis W.Martin
Type: BD 76001, W. Martin.
Very close to type in all but characters of tomentum, which is markedly different except for the ferruginous covering of the scapes; lower lf-surface and other parts with appressed soft white to greyish tomentum.
DIST.: Type and only known locality: Mount Richmond.
Var. brockettii Martin loc. cit. 182. "Typo similis in partibus omnibus minor. Folia superne glabra, infra tomento flavo vel sub-flavo dense obtecta. Petiola glabra, purpurea, gracilis, ampliata in vaginam latam, striatam, et membranaceum. Scapi ± 13 cm. alti, glabri. Bractae membranaceae, glabrae, vaginantes, fuscis piliis ad apices. Capitula ± 2.5 cm. diam. South Island: Type locality-Mount Bounds (Bounds Range), Marlborough. Seen nowhere else. . . . This variety differs from the type form of the species in its almost glabrous scapes and bracts, in its smaller size, and its very distinct tomentum which exactly matches that of C. spectabilis." The type is recorded as in BD, but has not there been located.