Cyathodes Labill.
Fls small, 5-merous, solitary or in spikes or racemes; bracts of peduncles few to several, sts ± concealing calyx; corolla-lobes densely hairy on upper surface to glab. or nearly so; stamens inserted near top of corolla-tube; filaments short, anthers included to half-exserted. ovary (2)-3-5-(8)-loculed. Ovules solitary in each locule, pend. Fr. with fleshy mesocarp and bony endocarp, locules 1-seeded. Prostrate to erect shrubs with small, often crowded lvs. Some 175 spp. of Australia, Tasmania, Polynesia, New Guinea, Malaya. The N.Z. sp. are endemic except C. juniperina and C. parviflora which occur also in Australia and Tasmania.