Peperomia urvilleana A.Rich.
P. simplex Endl. Prodr. Fl. norf. 1833, 37.
P. endlicheri Miq. Syst. Pip. 1843, 102.
Low-growing glab. succulent branching herb up to 3 dm. extent; stems branched, prostrate and rooting, ascending at tips. Lvs alt. on petioles 1-4 mm. long; lamina 1-4 × 1-2 cm., fleshy (membr. when dry) 3-nerved, elliptic-oblong to broad-obovate. Spikes solitary, slender, on peduncles up to 1·5 cm. long; 2-5 cm. long; bracts orbicular-peltate. Ovary partly immersed; stigma discoid; drupe often exserted, brownish.
DIST.: K., N. Coastal and lowland rocky places and light forest, often a low epiphyte. In S. known from Golden Bay, Takaka, Pelorus Sound.
FL. and/or FT. in all months of year.
Colenso's P. muricatulata (T.N.Z.I. 27, 1895, 393) from "Woods near the East Cape; 1894; Mr. H. Hill", is described as "a far more robust and different-looking species than . . . P. urvilleana". Lvs 2.5-4 cm. long, "berry muricatulate, dark brown when ripe". The type material has not been located.