Porina cinereonigrescens
≡Verrucaria cinereonigrescens Stirt., Proc. phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: 303 (1877).
≡Segestria cinereonigrescens (Stirt.) Hellb., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 132 (1896).
Holotype: New Zealand. Near Wellington, J. Buchanan – GLAM.
Description : Thallus grey or grey-black, thin, somewhat areolate. Perithecia prominent, black, glossy, with a central ostiole. Ascospores fusiform-ellipsoidal, colourless, 3-septate, 16–23 × 5–7 μm.
N: Wellington. Known only from the type collection.
Porina cinereonigrescens is characterised by: the corticolous habit: the grey to blackish, areolate thallus; prominent black perithecia; and 3-septate ascospores, 16–23 × 5–7 μm.