Wahlenbergia trichogyna
Taproot deeply descending, becoming stout with age. Stems several from stock, simple or branching, erect or decumbent at base, ± 2-6 dm. tall, hispid to scabrid. Lvs sessile, us. opp., oblanceolate to narrow-lanceolate, 1-2.5 cm. × 1-5 mm., hispid on both surfaces, shallowly crenate-serrate, undulate to crisped. Peduncles slender, tall, simple or branched; bracts few, narrow-subulate. Fls terminal and lateral, 2-3 cm. diam.; calyx hispid, lobes linear-attenuate, 5-7 × 1 mm., us. recurved at anthesis; corolla blue-violet, paler without, with deeply campanulate tube, 7 × 5 mm., pale yellow at base, and 5 rotate, ovate, acute lobes 10-12 mm. long. On the tube, just below each sinus, is a glandular spot. Filaments hairy; capsule globose, hispid to scabrid, 5-7 mm. long, c. 5 mm. diam., with 5 prominent vertical ribs.
DIST.: S. Rarangi (White's Bay) at northern end of Cloudy Bay, Marlborough; hillside amongst grasses and bracken, c. 400 ft. altitude, Hursthouse (W 4707), J. A. Hay (BD 76942, 76943, cult.).
The description is drawn up from N.Z. specimens; the Australian ones have larger lvs and the calyx-lobes twice as long. Stearn (loc. cit.) points out that the names Campanula vincaeflora Ventenat Hort. Malm. 1803, t. 12, and Wahlenbergia vincaeflora (Vent.) Decne in Rev. hort., Paris Sér. 3, 1849, 41, are illegitimate, as Ventenat cited C. gracilis Forst. f. as a synonym. The type is Australian and the N.Z. populations may be naturalized only. There is fairly good field evidence that W. trichogyna hybridizes with W. gracilis.