Wahlenbergia Schrad. ex Roth
Fls us. solitary; calyx (3)-5-(7)-lobed; corolla us. campanulate, regular, lobes as for calyx, valvate. Stamens free from corolla; filaments ± dilated at base. Ovary 2-5-loculed, ovules ∞, style cylindric, stigma 2-5-fid. Capsule apically loculicidally dehiscent. Perennial to annual herbs, of wide distribution, especially in southern hemisphere, with some 120 spp.
Calyx, stem, lvs clad in short bristly hairs; fls 2-3 cm. diam., deep blue with deeply campanulate corolla-tube
Fls creamy white; lvs both alt. and in short lateral rosulate tufts, crenate-serrate
Lvs 8-15 mm. broad, ovate-spathulate, very thick and coriac. with prominent cartilaginous margins
Lvs subentire, ± glaucous and coriac.; margins often white and cartilaginous; corolla-tube slender
Lvs crenate-serrate, glossy-green, fleshy; margins rarely cartilaginous; corolla-tube broad
Miss J. A. Hay (now Mrs. Petterson) has made a detailed study of the genus in N.Z., and has deposited a thesis at Victoria University College. Her investigation has been extremely useful in the preparation of this account and several of her conclusions have been adopted.