Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forst.) Ching
Polypodium adiantiforme Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 82.
Aspidium capense Willd. Sp. Pl. 5, 1810, 267.
Polystichum coriaceum Schott Gen. Fil. 1834, t. 9.
Aspidium cunninghamianum Col. in Tasm. J. nat. Sci. 2, 1846, 166.
Polystichum adiantiforme J. Smith Hist. Fil. 1875, 220.
Rhizome stout, far-creeping, ± 5 mm. diam., densely clad in pale brown ovate-to subulate-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. or more long; stipites rather distant along rhizome. Stipes stout, grooved, up to 5 mm. diam., 30-65 cm. long, smooth, ± densely paleate. Rhachis stout, grooved, subflexuose, paleate. Lamina 20-40-(50) × 15-30 cm., ovate-deltoid, 2-3-pinnate, acuminate, very coriac., rigid, light green, glab. or nearly so. Larger (lower) pinnae 13-18 × 5-9 cm., stalked, ascending, alt., rather distant, ovate- to lanceolate-deltoid, acuminate. Secondary pinnae up to 5 × 2 cm., about ovate. Tertiary pinnae or segs up to 15 × 5 mm. Final lobes about oblong, rounded. Sori cop. in 2 rows along secondary pinnae, with accessory ones in lobes, up to c. 20 per pinna, 1·5-2 mm. diam. Indusium flat, with raised ± crenulate margins.
DIST.: N., S., St., Ch. Lowland to montane forest throughout, terrestrial or epiphytic. Also in Australia, Polynesia, S. Africa, Central and S. America. Forster gives no locality.
A. cunninghamianum Col. was described from specimens collected on "small living trees in the shaded dense and damp forests near Ruatahuna." The type in W, "Jan. 1842, W.C.", is a single frond with a portion of the rhizome. Stipes 28 cm., nude except in upper part and very base; rhachis paleate; lamina 35 × 25 cm., long-acuminate.