Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Rumohra aristata (G.Forst.) Ching

R. aristata (Forst. f.) Ching in Sinensia 5 (23), 1934, 5.

Poly-podium aristatum Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 82.

Aspidium aristatum Swartz Syn. Fil. 1806, 53.

Polystichum aristatum (Forst. f.) Presl Tent. Pterid. 1836, 83.

Rhizome stout, creeping, clad in ferruginous linear-subulate paleae; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes stout, 20-45 cm. long, clad towards base in linear paleae. Rhachis stout, grooved, nude or nearly so. Lamina deltoid to ovate-deltoid, acuminate, coriac., dark green and rather glossy above; 3-pinnate; 30-60 × 20-30 cm. Larger (lower) pinnae stalked, about lanceolate, with one elongate secondary pinna, acuminate, up to 20 cm. or more long. Secondary pinnae about ovate-lanceolate the larger again pinnate, remainder pinnatifid; segs dentate-aristate. Sori in 2 rows near midvein; indusium orbicular with minute sinus.

DIST.: K. Common on Sunday Island. Also in Australia, Malaya, India, China, Japan, S. Africa. Forster gives no locality.

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