Dryopteridaceae Herter
Sori round, superficial; indusium (rarely absent) basally attached, peltate to reniform. Sporangia of mixed maturation; spores bilateral with perispore. Mostly terrestrial ferns with erect to creeping paleate, dictyostelic rhizomes. Fronds with or without hairs; stipes with several vascular strands. Lamina us. compound to decompound, veins free. About 15 genera of wide distribution.
Holttum (Biol. Rev. 24, 1949, 286) restricts Rumohra to R. adiantiformis and places it in his Davallioideae; he includes Ctenitis in his Tectarioideae, on account of the raised costae bearing multicellular hairs.
Stipes and rhachis with hispid hairs or glabrate except for paleae (if hairs present then these unicellular), lamina anadromic