Craspedia uniflora G.Forst. var. uniflora
The Forster specimen at K has lvs obovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, c. 7 × 1·5 cm., the white margin conspicuous; scapes c. 12 cm. long, glomerules c. 1·5 cm. diam. Scapes are us. slender, c. 1 mm. diam., with short hairs or almost glab. Achenes c. 3 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S., Ch.? Lowland to subalpine grassland and herbfield from lat. 38° southwards.
This and var. subhispida are us. much smaller plants than var. grandis and var. maritima. Specimens in W, labelled as from Chatham Is, have uniformly obovate-spathulate lvs c. 5-7 cm. long and scapes up to 20 cm. long. Specimens in W collected by W. R. B. Oliver on D'Urville Id have rosette-lvs c. 8 cm. × 7 mm., scapes very slender, achenes c. 1·5 mm. long. Rather similar narrow-lvd forms occur in South Id and possibly should receive varietal treatment. The marginal hairs are very conspicuous.