Tribe Inuleae
Capitula sessile; lvs us. closely imbricated, us. much < 1 cm. long;plants us. forming tight, often extensive mats
Capitula us. on distinct, sts short, scapes; lvs not us. closely imbricated, us. 1 cm. or more long; plants not forming tight mats
Capitula heterogamous to homogamous, corolla us. yellow; disk-florets perfect, us. tubular; ray of ligulate or narrow-tubular ♀. Plants sts dioec. Phyll. us. in several series, sts diverse. Anthers ± long-tailed; style-arms flattened, subtruncate; stigmatic lines us. distinct. Pappus us. of capillary hairs, these sts plumose, or occ. absent.