Asplenium lucidum G.Forst.
A. obtusatum var. lucidum Hook. et Baker Syn. Fil. 1873, 207.
Rhizome stout, branching, often forming hard woody mass above ground; clad in brown shining translucent ovate-acuminate paleae up to 3 cm. long; stipites tufted, paleate at base. Stipes 10-40-(50) cm. × 5-10 mm., stout, blackish towards base, ± clad in slender lanceolate-attenuate paleae up to 25 mm. long. Rhachis stout, narrowly winged, ± paleate, smooth, bearing distant subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina thinly coriac., dark green and glossy above, 30-100 × 15-35 cm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, with 16-40 or more pinnae. Pinnae (5)-10-15-(20) cm. × (2)-30-(50) mm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, ± paleate below when young, long-stalked, crenate-serrate, obliquely cuneate at base; veins evident, simple or forked. Sori oblique, linear, up to 2 cm. long; indusium firm.
DIST.: K., N., S., St., Ch., A., C., Ant. Common in coastal, lowland and lower montane forest throughout. Has been recorded from Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands.