Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Aspleniaceae Newman


Sori elongate along veinlets, completely covered when young by indusium, which opens towards costule. Indusium in some genera vestigial to absent. Sporangia long-stalked; spores bilateral, with perispore, smooth to tuberculate or spinulose; annulus vertical, incomplete. Rhizome short, ascending to very shortly creeping, dictyostelic; paleae clathrate, hairs us. present. Fronds tufted; stipes not articulated to rhizome, us. with two vascular strands. Lamina various; veins free or anastomosing without included veinlets. About 10 genera, terrestrial or epiphytic, of wide distribution.


Indusium elongate, conspicuous; lamina glab. or nearly so
Indusium vestigial or absent; lamina woolly-hairy
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