Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Type locality: Not stated; original localities stated include: Maungataratara, vicinity of Auckland, Te Aroha. Lectotype: CM, Lava flats, Mt. Wellington, Auckd. 30.5.24. H. Carse.
Rhizome creeping horizontally or slightly ascending, stout, up to 15 cm. or more long, emitting, at least in young plants, very slender horizontal roots up to ± 10 cm. long, bearing buds that produce offset plants. Stipites clustered to approximate. Stipes (10)-15-20 cm. long, deeply grooved above, ± paleate, stout, winged. Rhachis stout, winged, as are costae. Lamina 10-60 × 10-15 cm., lanceolate-oblong, submembr., rather pale green, very glossy above, bipinnate, acuminate. Primary pinnae numerous, 10-15 × 2.5-5 cm., lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, decurrent; again pinnate in lower part, pinnatifid in upper. Secondary pinnae 15-30 × (5)-10-15 mm., about oblong, crenately lobed, sessile by cuneately narrowed decurrent base. Sori narrow-oblong, 3-10 mm. long, nearer costule than margin; indusium firm.
DIST.: N. Coastal and lowland forest from lat. 35º-39º 30', often forming large clumps.