Utricularia L.
Scapes with 1-several fls; calyx deeply 2-lobed, segs often enlarging as capsule matures. Corolla spurred at back, 2-lipped; upper lip erect, entire or 2-lobed; lower lip spreading, us. 3-6-lobed; palate us. well-developed; stamens 2, ± curved; style short; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule subglobose, 2-valved, or dehiscing irregularly; seeds ∞. Herbs with filiform lvs and ∞ to few bladders that trap small animals. Widespread genus with some 250 spp. U. monanthos occurs also in Tasmania, and U. lateriflora in Tasmania and Australia. The other N.Z. spp. appear to be endemic.
Our knowledge of the N.Z. spp. has been but little advanced since Cheeseman's treatment of 1925. They need to be restudied, using fresh material. Herbarium material has us. been poorly prepared. The following treatment is provisional only.