Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Utricularia vulcanica Colenso

U. vulcanica Col. in T.N.Z.I. 26, 1894, 318.

"Scape simple, erect, filiform, 11/2 in.-2 in. high; 1-flowered (one specimen 2-flowered) . . . 4 simple bracteoles sublinear obtuse . . . Leaves 2 (or 3) at base, narrow linear-spathulate, obtuse, 1/2 in.-1 in. long . . . Calyx sepals unequal, cut to base, suborbicular . . . margins undulate . . . Corolla yellowish (?) with purple veins 3 lines diameter, upper lip sub-ovate obtuse; the lower lip sub-3-lobed . . . spur ascending transversely obtuse; anthers large, suborbicular, purple; style short, stout; stigma linear, brown. Capsule globose, 1/10 in. diameter . . .

"Obs. This little plant is allied to U. subsimilis, mihi (also detected in similar situations in the interior Taupo country at a lower altitude), but differing in size, in form and colour of corolla, &c."

The above citation is from Colenso's description. Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 848) places the name doubtfully as a synonym of U. colensoi.

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