Hymenanthera R.Br.
Fls small, regular, perfect or unisexual, solitary or fascicled, axillary and/or on branchlets below lvs. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, or sepals united only at very base; petals 5; anthers 5, subsessile, connate, joined by membrane, which is produced above anthers into 5 triangular ± fimbriate teeth; nectariferous scale or sac dorsal. Styles 2-(3-4)-fid; fr. baccate, with (1)-2-(3-4) strophiolate seeds, endosperm plentiful. Slender to rigid shrubs; bark lenticellate; lvs alt. or fasciculate, with somewhat thickened margins and minute, fugaceous stipules. About 10 spp. of N.Z., Australia, Tasmania, Norfolk Id. The N.Z. spp. endemic, except perhaps the sp. referred to H. angustifolia R. Br.