Centipeda orbicularis Lour.
A small bushy much-branched herb with stems up to ± 2 dm. long. Lvs ± 6-15 × 4-10 mm., of oblong to obovate order, us. diverse on the same plant, sparingly toothed to subpinnatifid, glab. to hairy. Capitula ± 5 mm. diam., subglobose, solitary, sessile or subsessile, axillary. Phyll. broad-oblong, membr. ♀ ∞, corolla minute, 4-lobed. Perfect florets few, corolla subcampanulate, 4-lobed. Achenes tetragonous, slightly hairy.
DIST.: Three Kings, N., S. Lowland, mostly in waste places from near North Cape to c. lat. 45°.
FL. 12-3. FT. 1-3-(6).
The synonymy is rather confused, and our plant may be referable to Artemisia minima L. Sp. Pl. 1753, 849.