Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Capitula small, solitary or clustered (occ. only 2 together), sessile or on short scapes, heterogamous, discoid; phyll. few, in 2 series, subequal; receptacle nude. Anthers obtuse to pointed at base; style-arms of disk-florets short, truncate; pappus 0. Achenes 4-angled to terete or fusiform. Some 20 spp. of small ± mosslike glab. (or very nearly so) herbs with alt. entire lvs; of Fuegia, Falkland Is, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. (these endemic).
Achenes fusiform, extended into a slender beak
(see Incertae Sedis)
Fls and fr. can be found from December to March.