Papaver dubium L.
long-headed poppy
Annual herb; rosette usually present; stems erect, finely hispid, 20-30-(80) cm tall. Lvs ± glaucous, petiolate especially the lower, 5-10-(15) × 2-7-(10) cm. Lamina oblanceolate or lanceolate to ovate, abruptly narrowed at base, deeply 1-2-pinnatisect, hispid. Pedicels 10-30-(45) cm long, hispid; hairs spreading in lower ⅓, appressed above. Sepals hispid, (5)-15-20 × (3)-10-15 mm. Petals red, 1-3 × 1-3 cm, with basal blotch faint or 0. Capsule clavate to oblong-obovoid, widest above 1/2 way, slightly ribbed, glabrous, (7)-15-25 × (3)-5-10 mm. Stigmatic disc = width of capsule, conic at first, flat when ripe; rays (4)-5-8-(10).
N.: Auckland, Wairarapa; S.: Canterbury, Otago; St.
Europe, Asia 1899
Roadsides, waste land, cultivated land.
FL Oct-Jan-(Feb) FT Oct-Feb.