Papaver L.
Annual herbs or root perennials, with white or coloured latex. Lvs simple and toothed to pinnatifid to 2-pinnatisect, glabrous or hispid, glaucous or green. Fls solitary or in lax leafy cymes; buds usually drooping. Sepals 2, entire, free, falling as fl. opens, not horned. Petals 4-(6), crumpled in bud, orange to red, sometimes lilac or white. Stigma lobes 4-18, forming a broad sessile stigmatic disc. Capsule ovate, clavate, orbicular or oblong, opening by pore-like valves just below stigmatic disc. Seeds reniform or comma-shaped, without aril.
c. 100 spp., mostly N. Hemisphere, a few tropical, 1 in South Africa and Australia. Naturalised spp. 9.