Ipomoea L.
Herbs or less commonly shrubs, usually with twining or trailing stems. Latex present, often white. Lvs simple, mostly petiolate; lamina very variable, from entire to lobed and finely dissected. Fls mostly in axillary cymes which are occasionally paniculate, sometimes solitary; bracts variously developed, not concealing calyx. Sepals 5, very variable, persistent and often enlarged at fruiting. Corolla small to large, 5-lobed, usually actinomorphic, occasionally slightly zygomorphic, contorted in bud, usually funnelform or campanulate, sometimes salverform or tubular, variously coloured; lobes usually very shallow; mid-petaline bands well-defined. Stamens 5, inserted near base of corolla tube, included or rarely exserted. Ovary 2- or 4-locular; each loculus usually with 4 ovules; style filiform; stigma capitate or with 1-3 globose lobes. Capsule usually 4-celled, rarely 6-celled, usually 4-seeded. Seeds glabrous or hairy.
c. 500 spp., warm temperate to tropical regions. Native spp. 2, naturalised 4.