Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Herbs or shrubs, generally with climbing or trailing stems containing a milky sap. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, usually simple. Fls actinomorphic, ⚥, solitary or few to many in terminal or axillary dichasia. Bracts present, often forming an involucre. Sepals 5, usually free, imbricate, persistent. Corolla 5-lobed or 5-angled, usually plicate-contorted, usually funnelform, salverform or tubular, sometimes campanulate. Stamens 5, usually inserted towards base of corolla lobes and alternate with them. Ovary superior, 1-4-locular; ovules 1-2 in each loculus. Style terminal. Fr. usually capsular, very rarely indehiscent.


Plant parasitic; lvs reduced to tiny scales and lacking chlorophyll
Plant holophytic; lvs well developed and with chlorophyll
Corolla rotate, < 8 mm diam.; styles 2
Corolla funnelform, salverform, campanulate or more rarely tubular, > 1 cm diam.; style 1
Stigma 1, capitate or with 2-3 globular lobes; pollen spinulose
Stigmas 2; pollen not spinulose
Involucral bracts large, ± enclosing sepals; ovary 1- or incompletely 2-celled
Involucral bracts small, much < sepals; ovary 2-celled

c. 50 genera, 1500 spp., cosmopolitan.

Apart from the aberrant parasitic Cuscuta and the very small-flowered Dichondra spp., most spp. of Convolvulaceae are usually immediately recognisable by their stems containing white latex and the delicate campanulate to funnelform or salverform corollas with plicate-contorted aestivation. Corolla measurements given are mostly from fresh fls because when dried they shrink and become very markedly distorted.

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