Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Ajuga L.


Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes stoloniferous. Lvs simple, entire to deeply lobed. Verticels axillary or aggregated into terminal spikes. Bracts leaflike or reduced. Calyx ± actinomorphic, 5-toothed, 10- or more-nerved, tubular-campanulate, not gibbous at base. Corolla with upper lip often very short, usually 2-lobed; lower lip deeply 3-lobed; tube ± exserted, with ring of hairs inside. Stamens usually exserted. Style not gynobasic, equally 2-branched. Nutlets reticulately veined or transversely rugose.

c. 40 spp., Old World temperate and subtropical regions. Naturalised sp. 1.

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