Salvia L.
Annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs, often strongly aromatic. Lvs simple, entire to pinnatisect. Infl. terminal, of (1)-2-many-flowered verticels forming spikes, racemes, panicles or occasionally more simple cymose structures; pedicels usually short or fls subsessile. Bracts usually different from lvs, occasionally large and coloured; bracteoles usually small. Calyx 2-lipped, not gibbous at base; upper lip entire or 3-toothed; lower 2-toothed. Corolla 2-lipped, usually hairy outside, white to blue or purple, red, or rarely yellow; tube straight or curved; lower lip 2-3-lobed with middle lobe largest; upper lip straight or falcate, sometimes hooded. Stamens 2, inserted on the corolla throat; connective long and slender, or sometimes short, articulating with the usually shorter filament; one arm of connective with a fertile anther, the other arm sterile and often flattened distally. Nutlets ± trigonous, smooth, often mucilaginous when wet.
c. 700 spp., tropical and temperate regions. Naturalised spp. 7.